In this article, we'll explain how to activate and handle CPD notifications in Learn LMS.
By default, notifications are off, so administrators need to switch them on when needed. This feature is handy as Users in a CPD program then receive updates on progress towards their target hours. You can also set notifications to go to the line manager, helping to highlight CPD-related activities during development talks and plans.
Check that the CPD email templates are activated in global email settings to ensure they are delivered to learners and managers.
Steps to set up notification schedules
- Browse to the 'CPD programme' area of Learn admin:
- Select the name of a CPD programme, then select ‘Notification’ from the CPD programme administration menu:
- Set notification schedule. The default is set to 'Do not notify':
- User and Manager notifications can be set differently. Options include when the schedule begins before the end of the CPD period and if additional notifications are needed until the target for the period is met:
- Select 'Submit' to save the changes
Best Practice
Often, Learn customers set a reminder email at the start of the CPD period, then send monthly reminders until the period ends. This email serves as a helpful ongoing reminder for Users to track their progress toward their CPD target.
Here is an example of the notification Users might receive:
'Learn - Configuring email notifications' includes more information about email templates and configuring email communications.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
To get the full picture of CPD take a look at Manage and report CPD in The Academy. In this course, we'll guide you through CPD set up, and share some frequently asked questions from our Support team.
If you've made the switch to Reporting and analytics with Power BI, tkake a look at the nerw re using Power BI, find out more about the new CPD report.
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