In this article, we'll explain how to create a CPD programme.
CPD programmes serve to document learning for audits, regulations, or self-development purposes. They set targets (in hours/points) for Users to accomplish within specific CPD periods. These programmes can also connect to professional bodies like CIPD, outlining the required learning for membership.
CPD programmes are used to automate tracking of Users’ CPD, and assists them in meeting their CPD targets.
Steps to create a CPD Programme
- Browse to the 'CPD programme' area of Learn admin:
- Select 'New':
- Add a 'Code' - the code needs to be unique and is for administrative purposes:
- Add a 'Title' - learners will see this title so make it meaningful as this helps them when they need to find it
- The 'Professional body' field is optional. Where used it may help administrators identify learning for the professional body when resources are added to the CPD period.
Choose the 'Automatically create the next CPD period' option to replicate the CPD period when it ends. This eliminates the need to manually create a new CPD period right after the current one expires. By checking the boxes for 'copy lesson assignments' and 'copy user assignments,' you can automatically reassign the same lessons or users to the next CPD period. Find more details in the 'Optional Settings' table in this article.
- A 'Description' can be added and is only visible to administrators. Use this space for notes or references. The 'Description' is used for search purposes and words included here will match administrator search results
- Select 'Submit' to complete the set up
More about Optional Settings
Professional body |
CPD programmes can be associated with a professional body, for example CIPD Categories are used by administrators to filter the list of CPD programmes, and for reporting If a professional body category is required, set this up first, so they can be selected when creating a CPD programme |
Automatically create the next CPD period |
The next CPD period will automatically be created using the same duration and parameters See 'Learn - Create a CPD period' for more information |
Copy lesson assignments | When the next CPD period is automatically generated, the new CPD period will include the same Lesson assignments as the original - this will only work where 'Automatically create the next CPD period' is selected |
Copy user assignments | Retain user assignments when the next CPD period is automatically generated - this will only work where 'Automatically create the next CPD period' is selected |
Get deeper learning in The Academy
To get the full picture of CPD take a look at Manage and report CPD in The Academy. In this course, we'll guide you through CPD set up, and share some frequently asked questions from our Support team.
If you've made the switch to Reporting and analytics with Power BI, tkake a look at the nerw re using Power BI, find out more about the new CPD report.
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