Users sometimes contact LMS administrators to ask why they cannot see a Course as expected. In this article, we'll share some troubleshooting tips for LMS administrators to help handle such queries.
The most common reasons why a Course is not visible are:
- The Course is not enabled
- The Course does not have a Lesson attached
- The Course is assigned as mandatory to a User but is not visible to them
- The Course is assigned as optional to a User but is not visible to them
Steps to check if a Course is enabled
Only 'enabled' courses are visible to Users. If a course is not enabled, Users won't be able to see it.
Courses may be set as not enabled if they are no longer available or if the Lesson has been replaced with an updated version. Additionally, Courses without Lessons or without enabled Lessons will not be visible, even if they are assigned as mandatory or optional to Users
- Browse to Learn admin
- Select Course:
- Find the Course. Use the search fields to refine the search if/as required
- Select the Course
- Scroll to the end of the Details page. The checkbox 'Course is enabled' indicates if the Course is enabled or not enabled:
- To enable a Course, select the Course is enabled checkbox
- Select Submit to save the change
Steps to check if a Course has Lessons assigned
Courses without Lessons or with Lessons set as not enabled will not be visible to Users, even if the Course is enabled and assigned as mandatory or optional.
- Browse to Learn admin
- Select Course:
- Find the Course. Use the search fields to refine the search if/as required
- Select the Course
- Select Lessons from the administration menu
- Check Lessons are assigned to the Course. To check for not enabled Lessons, change the search availability field to not enabled rather than the default of enabled
- Identify any Lessons required and add them to the Course
Enable lessons as needed, as they might have been set as not enabled from actions taken by another Administrator or find the latest version to link to the Course. It's useful to understand why a Lesson may have been set as not enabled, and using custom fields to document reasons is useful, especially where several Administrators work on the system together.
Steps to check if the Course is assigned to User(s)
Typically, Users are assigned to a Course through a Catalogue. This can either be mandatory learning, which then appears in the 'Courses I have to do', or self-selected optional learning. which appears in 'Courses I have chosen to do'.
Course assigned as mandatory learning to Users but is not visible to them
- Browse to Learn admin
- Select Course:
- Find the Course. Use the search fields to refine the search if/as required
- Select the Course
Select Group from the Course administration menu:
- Select a Group listed
Select Members:
- Search for the User by scrolling down the list or by using the search fields to refine the search results
- Repeat steps 1-4 if the User is not found
- Then select User from the Course administration menu as an administrator may have directly assigned a User to the Course rather than assignment by Group membership
- Scroll down the list of Users or use the search fields to refine the list
Course assigned as optional learning to Users but is not visible to them
- Browse to Learn admin
- Select Course:
- Find the Course. Use the search fields to refine the search if/as required
- Select the Course
Select Catalogue from the Course administration menu:
Check for any Catalogues assigned here as they are displayed in a list for current Catalogue assignments:
- If there are no Catalogues, go to step 14 to check if the User has been directly assigned to the Course
- Otherwise, select a Catalogue from the list
Select Group:
- Select a Group listed
- Select Members
- Search for the User by scrolling down the list or by using the search fields to refine the search results
- Repeat steps 7 - 12 if the User is not found to see if they belong to any other Group linked to the Catalogue or follow the next steps as the User may have been directly assigned to the Course and not assigned through Group membership
- If no Catalogues are linked to the Course, you can check if the User is directly assigned by following the next steps
- Select User from the administration menu when in the Catalogue area for the Course
- Scroll down the list of Users or use the search fields to refine the list
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