In this article, we'll show how to create an Instructor-led Lesson. You'll need an Instructor-led Lesson for any in-person or online training in Learn LMS. An Event can then be created for every instance that the training takes place. As with any Lesson in Learn, Instructor-led Lessons:
- Can be assigned to one or more Courses
- If completed by a User, will show as complete for all Courses to which it is assigned
Watch the video or follow the steps below.
Steps to create an Instructor-led Lesson
- Navigate to the Lesson area of Learn admin
- Select 'New' to create a New Lesson:
- Choose the type 'Instructor-led (this cannot be changed after the Lesson is created):
- Enter a unique Code for the Lesson
- Enter a Title for the Lesson
- Add an optional image. If no image is selected, the Lesson will inherit the image assigned to any Course to which the Lesson is assigned
- Add a description for the Lesson. Take care to consider how this will appear alongside the description for any Course to which it is assigned. View '3 tips for Course and Lesson descriptions' for more detail
- Add a Lesson duration in minutes. Learners will see a total for all Lesson durations on the Course details
- Select 'Submit' to create the Instructor-led Lesson
That's it, you're all done. Your next step will be to Create an Event - one for each occasion this learning will be delivered.
New to Instructor-led training in Learn LMS? Take a look at the 'Instructor-led training checklist' article for a quick run through the key steps to create, manage, share, and report Instructor-led training.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
To get the full picture of Instructor-led training, including suggestions for good practice and tips from the Kallidus team, take a look at the 'Instructor-led training 101' Course.
To take your knowledge to the next level and find out how to work efficiently at scale with Events - including how to create an entire schedule of Events with just a few clicks - view the 'Event Hacks' Course.
The Academy is your forever free learning hub for Kallidus products including live events, eLearning videos, and more. If you're new to The Academy or know someone who is missing out on free learning, contact your Customer Experience Manager or the Support Team to sign up today!
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