Concise, clear, and consistent Course and Lesson descriptions are key to engaging learners with content in your LMS. In this article, we'll share 3 key considerations for writing content titles and descriptions.
To ensure a consistent experience for your learners - whoever added the content to Learn LMS - we recommend that your admin team create guidelines for writing Course/Lesson titles and descriptions. If your organisation has a marketing team, consider involving them in the process - it will ensure your LMS adopts the tone and language used in the wider organisation.
1 - Keep Course titles short and clear
When viewed in a Catalogue or in 'Courses to do' roughly 39 characters of the Course title will be visible. Can the Course title be made more succinct, and clearer?
2 - Summarise the Course in the first two lines of the description
When learners select to view Course details, the first two lines of your Course description will be immediately visible. Learners can then choose to select 'Read more' to see the full detail - so make sure the learning is well described, and you grab the learners attention!
3 - Avoid replicating detail in Course and Lesson descriptions
Course titles and descriptions are often written independently of each other - and sometimes even by different people - so make sure information is not replicated in both places.
For example, you may wish to include clear learning objectives at Lesson level, where the Course description gives a high-level overview of the content.
And lastly, don't forget to check how it looks to learners! Before sharing with your people, assign a Course to a test user to make sure it all looks good.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
View ‘Share optional learning with your people’ and 'Share mandatory learning with your people' for the bigger picture of learning assignment including troubleshooting, best practice, and tips from the Kallidus team.
If you're just setting up your Learn view ‘Big picture - build and curate learning’ to see more about Lesson types, and how to organise content in your Learn LMS - including an explanation of the differences between Courses, Catalogues and categories.
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