This article helps you create a new evaluation form. Sometimes, you'll need different forms to get just the right information for your business and learning needs. It's like having different tools for different jobs!
Why use various evaluation forms?
Sometimes you need specific details from evaluation forms, and having the flexibility to create new ones is incredibly helpful for meeting unique business and learning requirements.
Steps to create an evaluation form
- Browse to the 'Evaluation form' area of Learn admin:
- Choose 'New evaluation form (blank)':
- Add in a 'Form title'. This should describe the form's purpose, making it easier to select when linking it to a course, lesson, or event:
- Select questions to add to the form using the builder toolbox. You can choose from four types of questions: Star Ratings, Questions with Options, Text Questions, and NPS Questions. For more details, refer to the table 'More about question types':
- Configure the properties for each question. You can make questions mandatory, edit them, or change their position using the options in the question bar
- Select 'Save Changes' or 'Save and Exit' to preserve your form
So that's it you're all done. If you want to measure the impact of learning over time you can use follow-up evaluations. To find out more, visit 'Learn - Create and schedule a follow up evaluation'.
Can you change an existing evaluation form?
If you need to make adjustments to any evaluation form that is already in place, just select the 'edit' button to access and make the necessary updates against the form:
More about question types
A star rating |
A simple 1-5 that allows your learners to pass a score for the course or event. Star rating styles are fixed and cannot be edited. You can add only one of each question type to the form. |
Questions with options | This allows you to create a question with standard options for your learners to choose from. |
Text question | This allows you to ask for free text feedback from your learner. |
NPS question |
This allows your learners to provide a NPS score for the course, lesson or event. NPS question styles are fixed and cannot be edited. You can add only one of each question type to the form. |
Get deeper learning in The Academy
View ‘Evaluate learning effectively’ to understand how evaluations work in Learn, and for ideas on the essential elements of a successful strategy.
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