In this article, we'll show how an administrator can quickly add multiple Users to an Event for an Instructor-led Lesson - either to the waiting list or as a confirmed attendee.
Multiple Events can also be booked for a single user, however where multiple users must be booked onto a single Event, this article shows the quickest way.
Watch the video and follow the steps below to see how:
Steps to book multiple learners onto an Event
- Navigate to an existing Event in Learn
- Select Edit to view the Event properties:
- Select User from the Event Administration menu. The ‘attendee Type’ drop-down menu lists Users with each of the available statuses for the Event (attending, waiting list etc). If no learners are booked onto the Event, this page will be blank:
- Select Edit
- The default view will show ‘Currently’ assigned Users. Select ‘All’ to see all Users in Learn, who might be added to the Event. Note that a maximum of 1000 Users can be listed. If your User list exceeds this, use the Search and Filters to narrow down the list:
- Select the checkbox next to individual learners to add to the Event. Alternatively, 'Select all' to select all listed learners
- Select Submit to save the changes
- The Selected learners will first be added to a waiting list for the Event. Select Waiting list from the drop-down menu to view the Users:
- To move learners from the waiting list to a confirmed booking, select either ‘Confirm’ next to individual Users, or ‘Confirm all’. Everyone will instantly receive a booking confirmation with a calendar invite:
Once confirmed, the option to move all/some learners back to the waiting list will be available. Note that learners can be moved from confirmed status back to the waiting list. Select ‘Attending’ from the ‘Attendee type’ drop-down menu to view all booked Users. From this view, Users can be moved from ‘Attending’ back to the waiting list if required:
Delegate day-to-day Event management
Sometimes it just makes sense for administrators to book places on Events for learners. However, it's also possible for managers to book places for their team via the manager dashboard, and Event administrators to get restricted access to Learn admin so they can share day-to-day admin for Events.
This can be a really great way to decentralise Event management and free up time for the learning team to focus on other important initiatives.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
To get the full picture of Instructor-led training, including suggestions for good practice and tips from the Kallidus team, take a look at the 'Instructor-led training 101' Course.
To take your knowledge to the next level and find out how to work efficiently at scale with Events - including how to create an entire schedule of Events with just a few clicks - view the 'Event Hacks' Course.
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