This feature allows you to update specified data for selected candidates in bulk. This may be useful, for example, if candidates take a test of some kind outside the system but you still want to import the results into the candidate record within the Recruit system; or you simply want to update candidate data for any other reason.
This is a Recruiter portal (Back office) feature only.
If this feature is configured for your implementation and enabled for your security group, relevant data import, export and update functions are available from the Candidates page/tab and the Data Import/Export menu on the Settings/Setup page/tab.
Here's how you use it:
Step 1 - Export the candidates you want to update data for or add data to
- Go to the Candidates page/tab
- Filter the list as required to allow you to select all the candidates you wish to update
- Choose "Export candidate data" from the bulk action menu at the bottom
- Select the "Candidate.CandidateGuid" field and any other relevant fields (e.g. fields to enable you to identify which candidate is which, such as name or email, in addition to the fields you want to add data to or update data for)
- Once you've selected all the fields you need, click the "Export" button to export a comma separated value (CSV) file of the data (these files may be opened and edited in Excel)
- If your export is quick, you may download the CSV immediately by clicking "Download CSV"
- If you're exporting loads of candidates, the system will advise you that the export will take a while and will automatically email you when it's done (return to the Data import/export activities page in the Settings/Setup section to get the CSV when it's ready)
Step 2 - Update/Add your data in Excel
- Open the CSV file in Excel
- If you exported more candidates than you want to update, we recommend you delete the rows for the candidates you don't want to update to help avoid accidentally updating data for the wrong candidates
- Add the data you need to add or update the existing data that you need to update for each candidate within Excel by changing the relevant cells in each row as required
- IMPORTANT: To ensure consistency of reporting, for any fields which have a fixed list of options available in the system (e.g. a drop-down list or a radio button), you should make sure that you enter the data in exactly the same format as is available in the system, with all capitalisation of words the same
- Once you've added/updated all the data you need to, with the exception of the Candidate.Guid column, we recommend that you delete any columns which have data you don't want to update (e.g. candidate name fields which you exported just to help identify who was who) - this is just to help ensure you don't accidentally overwrite data you don't mean to
- When you're done, save the file, making sure you save it as file type .CSV
Step 3 - Import the updated candidate data back into the system
- Now you can return to the Settings/Setup page in the Backoffice and select the "Update candidate data from CSV" option from the Data Import/Export menu to import the updated data
- Click the "Choose file" button and browse to the location when you saved your file on your PC or Network and select it
- Click "Update candidates" to update the candidates in your CSV
- As when you exported the data, the system will inform you if the update is going to take a while and will email you when it's complete; or will provide this information straight away if the update completes quickly
- Keep track of how many candidates were successfully updated and check for any errors from the Data import/export activities page
- Do not change any of the column headings in the CSV
- Do not close the import window until you have been informed that the update is complete or in progress
- The Candidate.CandidateGuid field is used as a unique identifier, so make sure that you don't accidentally change this or remove it from the CSV
- Any "Person data" that is updated, such as contact details will overwrite data in any other existing applications a candidate may have, so ensure that this data is correct prior to importing.
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