If a candidate has been rejected having chosen the wrong response to an eligibility question, they can't apply again for the same role, unless you reset their responses for them. This will allow them to apply again.
1) Log into the back office
2) Go to the Candidates tab
3) Locate your candidate in the Failed eligibility folder
4) Make sure you have the right candidate by confirming the email address and the vacancy they applied to
5) Click on the View icon (usually a grey pencil icon) located on the right
6) When the pop-up opens, select the Edit tab
7) Click Reset vacancy eligibility button
IMPORTANT: this will treat the candidate as a new candidate again, clearing out any existing data from their audit trail.
8) The candidate will be moved back to 'unsubmitted' status. which will let them try again.
You can now contact the candidate to let them know they can log back and recommence their application.
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