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In this article, we'll explain the main uses of the SCORM Question Analysis Report.
SCORM is an industry-standard format used by eLearning authoring tools and all LMS systems. When eLearning is published at SCORM 2004 standard, Learn will record individual answers to questions. The SCORM 2004 analysis report details those question-level interactions.
Note: For illustration purposes, we have created very short SCORM modules with only a handful of questions. In your own organisation, the SCORM modules will be likely to contain more questions.
How this report can be used
This report includes:
- How many SCORM Lessons are included in the report
- How many Users have question-level data logged against them
- How many individual SCORM sessions those users have undertaken
- Summary and granular information about question response accuracy (i.e. how many times a question has been answered correctly and incorrectly)
- A SCORM Question and Answer Analyser option which lets you work out which questions are causing problems and figure out the possible causes
- A month-by-month chart showing when SCORM sessions have occurred during the last year
Other things to note
- Effective filtering will be crucial to getting the most from this report
- By default, three filters have been pre-applied to this report
- The three pre-applied filters state that the User, Course, and Lesson must be enabled
- Pre-applied filters can be amended
- Date-range filters for the date on which the SCORM session took place can be applied across all report pages
- Other date-based filters can be applied to specific data tables where they appear
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re completely new to reporting and analytics, then Get started: Reporting and analytics with Power BI is the place to start. We'll start by introducing Power BI’s top five features, then, we’ll take a deep dive into each feature, with links to related learning and tips from the Kallidus team along the way.
If you're starting to explore user-created reports, take a look at Power BI Reporting: Deep dive previews. In this short course, you'll get a quick preview of each 'deep dive' scenario. If a scenario sparks your interest, follow the links in the Lesson description to view the full course.
Do you have a question about reporting? Come to our 'Ask me Anything' events in the Academy to ask questions and share feedback directly with the team.
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