*** Please note that this article refers to the all-new Reporting and Analytics. We'll begin rollout in Spring 2024. View the FAQ for more details. ***
In this article, we'll explain the main uses of the 'Added Learning Report'. This report is available to all customers with Power BI.
In Learn, Users can add their learning records to the system. They might have shadowed a colleague, watched an educational video, or attended a conference. We've created the 'Added Learning Report' to help you see who has been up to what.
Important things to know about this report
The report shows the following:
- How many added learning records there are on the system
- How many Users have and have not created added learning records
- The volumes of added learning across the different learning types (reading, watching a video, mentoring, etc.)
- The total time logged for each type of learning activity
- The date when the learning activity took place
- The location of the learning activity
- The date when records were added
- User-level information sitting behind the main dashboard numbers.
Watch the video below to find out more, including how to filter the data by date range and other criteria:
Note that by default, only enabled Users will be shown in the report. You can change this in the filter panel if you wish. There are plenty of other filters available, too.
How often does the reports database refresh?
- The report database refresh twice a day
- A time stamp showing the most recent database refresh is shown in every fixed report
- The 'database refresh' time stamp can also be added to a user-created report
- Each Dataset is refreshed individually, so the time stamp may differ between reports using different Datasets
- Where a fixed report and a user-created report are built using the same dataset, the time stamp will be the same
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re completely new to reporting and analytics, then Get started: Reporting and analytics with Power BI is the place to start. We'll start by introducing Power BI’s top five features, then, we’ll take a deep dive into each feature, with links to related learning and tips from the Kallidus team along the way.
If you're starting to explore user-created reports, take a look at Power BI Reporting: Deep dive previews. In this short course, you'll get a quick preview of each 'deep dive' scenario. If a scenario sparks your interest, follow the links in the Lesson description to view the full course.
Do you have a question about reporting? Come to our 'Ask me Anything' events in the Academy to ask questions and share feedback directly with the team.
Don't have your Academy account yet? Contact your Customer Experience Manager or the Support Team to sign up today.
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