In this article, we'll explain how Group rules with an OR condition are structured. An OR condition rule means that a User will become a Group member if they meet ANY of the Rules added to the Group. This opens up huge flexibility with automating Group membership - just remember to document the rules added to a Group so you and your team will remember the purpose of the rules in future.
Watch the video below to see an example of a Group rule with OR condition:
The difference between AND and OR in Group Rules
An OR rule happens wherever more than one Rule has been added to a Group - but how do you know when each applies? Remember it this way:
- Rules are 'OR'
- Conditions are 'AND'
Let's work through an example.
A group with one rule, containing multiple conditions
Every time a Rule is added to a Group, you'll see a summary on the Rules page for a Group. In this example, one Group Rule has been created for the Fire Wardens Group:
Take a look at the below image, in which we can see the condition for the above rule.
Now we can see that this rule contains 3 conditions. A User will be added to the Group IF their account is enabled, AND they are a Fire warden, AND their location is Bristol. A user must match all 3 conditions to be added to the Group:
Remember - Conditions are 'AND'.
A Group with two rules - each with multiple conditions
Where there are multiple rules, an OR condition applies.
An OR condition allows a User to be added to a Group if they meet EITHER/ANY of the rules attached to the Group. In this example, two Group Rule exists:
Take a look at the below image, in which we can see the conditions for each of the above rules. Each Rule contains multiple conditions:
Remember - Rules are 'OR'.
With the above rules in place, a User will be added to the Group IF they match EITHER rule - i.e. IF they are a Fire warden in Bristol OR they are a Fire Warden in the Call Centre.
If more rules are added to the Group, then the same logic applies - a User is added to the Group if they meet the conditions described in rule 1 OR rule 2 OR rule 3, and so on.
Keep a note of rules that you create
It can be easy to forget what rules are applied to a Group and why. For that reason, we recommend documenting Group rules for future reference. Group custom fields and the Group description can be used for this. Or, for more complex rules, use a spreadsheet.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
A Learn LMS administrator can manually add users to Groups with just a few clicks, but when you're working at scale it's way more efficient to automate the process, and your data is key to that. View 'Automate learning assignment' for more detail.
View the 'Create a learning pathway' Course to see how your site set-up and Group rules can be used to deliver a tailored and focused learning experience for your people.
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