This page outlines a piece of functionality which reminds your people to complete their reviews. These new email notifications can be switched on at the review template level.
We have designed this new piece of functionality with the aim of improving completion rates for your reviews. Please do let us know how impactful this is.
Enabling you to send reminders for review completion
Perform now enables you to send reminders to both reviewers and reviewees. These notifications remind them to complete and sign off their review as soon as possible.
What do the email reminders look like and when are they sent?
The reminders remind both the reviewee and the reviewer to sign off their review. There are two flavours of these messages; one where the review is not yet overdue and a different one when they are now overdue. Examples of these messages are below.
Review due soon – send to the reviewee
Review due soon – sent to reviewer
Review overdue – sent to reviewee
Review overdue – sent to reviewer
The reminders are sent on a schedule. They are sent 28 days before the review completion date, 2 days before, 1 day after and then every 7 days until 91 days post the overdue date. At 91 days they will cease.
How can I switch them on?
Switching on these email notifications is easy and can be done within each template. This is self-service and you do not need to raise a ticket to do this. A new section has been added on the right hand side of the review template within the Template builder. This section is entitled Reminder notifications.
This is, by default, switched off for all existing reviews and any new review templates that are created. To switch it on simply tick the check box. This will activate the reminders for this template.
Reasons for this option not being ‘active’ and you not being able to set it
If your review does not have a sign off section added then you cannot tick the check box to switch reminders on. This is because it cannot be signed off and therefore cannot be ‘completed’.
We really welcome your feedback on our new development. Please do get in touch with us in the usual ways. Thanks
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