First off - welcome to your new role 👋 we're so excited to help get you set up!
In case you're wondering about who we are: Sapling is an employee experience tool from Kallidus designed to support great hires to become great team members.
- How do I use Sapling?
Check out this article for a full debrief - How do I use Sapling? - Can I change the information I put in later?
Yes - everything is editable in the Employee Platform. However, some information can be edited by a Sapling Admin only. - Do I need to complete Preboarding before day one?
Yes - the information you provide enables your company to be prepared for your arrival and ensure a smooth transition for you and your new team. - Is completing all my paperwork a requirement of Preboarding?
Yes! Unless described otherwise in your welcome email. - What file types do you accept for uploading documents?
Sapling accepts PDF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG files. - Who do I contact if I have questions?
You should contact your Manager or People Operations Representative. (If you're an Admin, contact the Kallidus support team) - How will I know what I need to do when?
Everything will have a due date and you'll be prompted with any overdue reminders via email. - I've lost my password, how do I get it to reset?
Head to your company's login page and click reset password. This is available at [ or]. - The documents assigned to me in Sapling are also visible in my "HelloSign" account. Is that expected?
Yes, it is expected behavior. The documents assigned to you in Sapling may be listed in your HelloSign account if you signed up for Sapling and HelloSign with the same personal email.
Should I sign these documents from my "HelloSign" account?
No, you shouldn't sign these documents in "HelloSign". Basically, the documents assigned through Sapling should be signed in Sapling, and attempting to sign a Sapling document in HelloSign might result in an error. - What's required for a strong password?
If you're creating a password for Sapling, it has to meet the following guidelines to ensure the safety of your personal data:
At least 8 characters
One number
One lowercase character
One special character
One uppercase character
Not easily guessable (so avoid
, etc.)
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