In this article we'll show how to update attendance for an Event to identify people who attended, and people who did not attend. This action may be performed by an administrator, or another User with the ‘Event administrator’ responsibility, for example, the trainer for the Event.
When marking attendance, start with the status for which there are the fewest records to update. For this example, we assume that 15 attended, and 3 did not attend. Therefore we'll start by updating attendance status for the 3 who did not attend.
Note that it's also possible to Delegate Event admin with the Event Administrator role, for example to the trainer delivering the Event.
Steps to update Event attendance
- Browse to the Event for which User attendance is to be updated
- Select ‘Attendance’ from the Administration menu
- Select the status 'Did not attend' from the drop-down menu:
- Select the Users for whom this status should apply:
- Select 'Submit'. Attendance is now marked for the individuals who did not attend
- Select ‘Attendance’ from the Event Administration menu. This will reset the page options. Now, repeat for any other status options that apply (for example, 'Cancelled, withdrawn, declined, Passed, Failed)
- When only one status remains to be updated, the status for all remaining attendees can be updated in one action. Select ‘Attendance’ again to reset the page options
- Ensure that 'Overwrite existing values' is not selected, and select 'Attended' from the 'status' drop-down menu:
- Select 'Select all'
- Select 'Submit'. All remaining users will be given the status of 'Attended'
Once marked as ‘Attended’ a Users’ training record for the Lesson will be marked with a ‘date certified’ stamp - the date they first completed the Lesson. Subsequently changing the Users’ status to ‘Cancelled’ will not reverse this.
Event evaluations (if configured) will be triggered instantly when attendance is updated.
New to Instructor-led training in Learn LMS? Take a look at the 'Instructor-led training checklist' article for a quick run through the key steps to create, manage, share, and report Instructor-led training.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
To get the full picture of Instructor-led training, including suggestions for good practice and tips from the Kallidus team, take a look at the 'Instructor-led training 101' Course.
To take your knowledge to the next level and find out how to work efficiently at scale with Events - including how to create an entire schedule of Events with just a few clicks - view the 'Event Hacks' Course.
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