Learn - Create an Accreditation for repeat training




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    John Bowen

    Sorry if it says this somewhere, but what happens if you assign a User to an accreditation rather than a Group? Do it go to 'Courses I have Chosen to do'?

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    Mary Lewis

    Hi John. Assigning Users/Groups to Accreditations is not related to Courses appearing in ‘Courses chosen to do’. The only way for a Course to appear in ‘Courses I’ve chosen to do’ is for a learner to select a Course from a Catalogue. 

    An Accreditation is assigned to Users and Groups to identify the people who must repeat the learning. It's an important step in Accreditation set up.

    I'd recommend you take a look at the ‘What is an Accreditation’ article for an overview of Accreditations. This will explain how an Accreditation works and how it is set up. If you have further questions, please reach out to the Support team who will be happy to help. 

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