In this article, we'll explain how to set up Accredited learning for multi-Lesson Courses so that specific Lessons only, are repeated. To illustrate this, we'll take the example of a Course with two lessons. Both must be completed initially, however, only the second must be repeated.
In the example image below, two Lessons are assigned to a Course. Lesson one is Instructor-led and lesson two is eLearning. An Accreditation is assigned to Lesson 2 only:
How this looks to a learner
The learner must first be enrolled on the Course - either by an administrator or by self-selecting the learning.
- The learner completes Lesson 1. A status of 'Complete' is recorded for this Lesson. The Course now has a status of 'In progress' and remains in Courses to do/Chosen to do.
- The learner completes Lesson 2. The Accreditation status is now ‘Complete’.
- The Course moves to ‘Courses I’ve done’.
- The learner is notified X days before the Accreditation is due to expire and based on how the accreditation has been set to repeat/notify.
- The course moves back to ‘Courses I have to do’.
- The learner sees that lesson 1 still shows as complete and that only lesson 2 needs to be completed again.
- Once lesson 2 has been completed, the Accreditation status changes to ‘Complete’.
- The Course moves back to ‘Courses I have done’.
- Steps 4-8 repeat.
Do you need a different approach?
In some circumstances, you may need different repeat learning for multi-lesson courses. If the information in this article doesn't help you for this, please speak to your Consultant or a member of the Support team to discuss options.
You can also find other useful resources in The Academy.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
View 'Repeat training with Accreditations' for information on how to use Accreditations to set learning to repeat with whatever frequency you need.
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