*** Please note, this article refers to the All-new Reporting and Analytics. View the FAQ for more details. ***
The Learning progress report has 3 summary metrics for Compliance. In this article, we'll explain the difference between the three headline metrics.
The report shows compliance from three perspectives:
- Course assignments: The overall number of Course assignments and the number of assignments that are complete/incomplete
- Courses: The overall number of Courses assigned to your people and the number of Courses that have been completed by all Users assigned it
- People: The overall number of Users and the number of Users that have completed all Courses assigned to them
Watch the video below to see examples of the 3 headline metrics, and more detail about each one:
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re completely new to reporting and analytics, then Get started: Reporting and analytics with Power BI is the place to start. We'll start by introducing Power BI’s top five features, then, we’ll take a deep dive into each feature, with links to related learning and tips from the Kallidus team along the way.
If you're starting to explore user-created reports, take a look at Power BI Reporting: Deep dive previews. In this short course, you'll get a quick preview of each 'deep dive' scenario. If a scenario sparks your interest, follow the links in the Lesson description to view the full course.
Do you have a question about reporting? Come to our 'Ask me Anything' events in the Academy to ask questions and share feedback directly with the team.
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