Here's what's new in the 22nd March 2024 release:
- Feedback, and requested feedback, is now ordered so the most recent is shown first
- The key for scale questions now remains visible on screen as you scroll up/down
- We resolved a bug which prevented global objectives being disconnected and reconnected before being saved
Feedback reordering
Previously, feedback was listed in reverse order - so the oldest feedback was visible first. We've now changed this, so that the most recently received feedback appears at the top. Requests for feedback are now also shown with the most recent first. Thank you to everyone who suggested this change:
Key to scale questions moves dynamically when page scrolls
Previously, the key to scale was fixed to the relevant step in the review form with the result that as you scrolled up/down, it could disappear off screen. Now, the key moves when you scroll, and remains on screen. This means you never 'lose' the key and can refer to it at all times. Thank you to everyone who suggested this change:
Bug fixes and improvements
We have fixed a reported issue which meant that if a global objective was linked to an objective but was not saved them it could not be unlinked and then linked to another. Users can now link to the correct global objective if they have made an error without having to save the link first.
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