*** Please note, this article refers to the All-new Reporting and Analytics. View the FAQ for more details. ***
If you're planning to create a report from scratch, you'll first need to choose the right dataset. In this article, we’ll summarise the Reporting and Analytics Datasets, and explain how they're used.
Note that reports are built using one dataset only. If your organisation uses Power BI or another external reporting tool, it is possible to extract all report data and transform the data as needed before loading it into your external reporting tools.
We'll cover:
- What is a dataset?
- How to choose a dataset
- Summary of the available datasets and how they can be used
Watch the video, and read on for more information:
What is a Dataset?
A Power BI dataset is a collection of pre-built fields, dates, and measures that are designed to give you a focused set of raw materials with which to build a report.
A field is typically a non-numeric piece of data. For example, someone’s name, or a Course title, or perhaps a ‘yes/no’ statement such as whether a lesson is enabled or not enabled.
Search 'Name' (for example) to see all data items containing that term:
A date is what you’d expect – a User’s start date, an Accreditation expiry date, a Course completion date, and so on.
Pro tip: hover to see a description of how to use the selected data item:
A measure is a numeric value. For example, the number of Courses for which a User is compliant, or perhaps the percentage of Accreditation assignments which are expired.
Pro tip: search with a hashtag to see all the measures available in the dataset you're using: View Datasets: Understanding data folders and data fields to find out more about how datasets are structured.
How to choose a dataset
Follow the steps to build a new User-created report. You will be prompted to select from one of the available datasets:
Summary of the available datasets and how they can be used
Once you know the type of report you want to build, choose from one of the following datasets:
Accreditation dataset
This contains Accreditation, User, Group and job profile data. It does not contain Course or Lesson data. The dataset is designed specifically to look at Accreditation data.
Find out more about the Accreditation analysis report, created using this dataset.
Added learning dataset
View and analyse data about learning records which your people have added themselves.
Find out more about the Added learning Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Catalogues, Courses, and Lessons administration dataset
This contains Catalogue, Course, and Lesson data. It does not contain any learning activity data. The dataset is designed to let you produce information about the structure of your Catalogues, Courses and Lessons. It also contains the Course and Lesson descriptions that you have added to Learn.
Find out more about the Catalogues, Courses and Lessons administration Fixed report, created using this dataset.
CPD dataset
Contains data about the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Programmes to which people are assigned.
Find out more about the CPD report created using this dataset.
Evaluations dataset
Contains data about Course, Lesson and Event evaluations that your people have submitted.
Find out more about the Evaluations Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Events dataset
This contains Lesson, Event, User, Group and job profile data. It does not contain Course or Accreditation data. The dataset is designed to let you report on event data, choosing either events in the past, events in the future, or both.
Find out more about the Event management and analysis Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Learning progress dataset
This contains Course, Lesson, User, Group and job profile data. Note that the dataset does not contain Accreditation fields. However, it is important to understand that the data will take account of any repeat training requirements that apply to your Users.
Find out more about the Learning Progress Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Objectives dataset
Contains summary-level data about Perform objectives and Global objectives.
Find out more about the Objectives summary report, created using this dataset.
Reviews dataset
Contains summary-level and detail data about Perform reviews.
Find out more about the Reviews summary Fixed report, created using this dataset. View Using the Perform 'Review details' data-set if you'd like to drill into the details of reviews in your organisation.
User imports dataset
This contains data about the nightly user data import that takes place in Learn. It will not be of use to you if your Learn site does not have an automated data feed in place.
Find out more about the User import Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Users, Groups, and sign-in history dataset
This contains User, Group and sign-in history data. It does not contain any learning activity data. The dataset is designed to let you produce information about sign-in history, User volumes, Group structure and other administration-related topics.
Find out more about the Users, Groups, and sign in history Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Learning history dataset
The Lesson history dataset is designed to help you look back at the history of each User interaction with a Lesson. Note that it is not a dataset for reporting compliance. Instead, it is there to show volumes of Lesson activity.
SCORM 2004 Dataset
SCORM is an industry-standard format used by eLearning authoring tools and all LMS systems. When eLearning is published at SCORM 2004 standard, Learn will record individual answers to questions. The SCORM 2004 analysis report details those question-level interactions.
Find out more about the SCORM question analysis Fixed report, created using this dataset.
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re completely new to reporting and analytics, then Get started: Reporting and analytics with Power BI is the place to start. We'll start by introducing Power BI’s top five features, then, we’ll take a deep dive into each feature, with links to related learning and tips from the Kallidus team along the way.
If you're starting to explore user-created reports, take a look at Power BI Reporting: Deep dive previews. In this short course, you'll get a quick preview of each 'deep dive' scenario. If a scenario sparks your interest, follow the links in the Lesson description to view the full course.
Do you have a question about reporting? Come to our 'Ask me Anything' events in the Academy to ask questions and share feedback directly with the team.
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