In this article, we'll show how to assign objectives to Groups of Users with just a few clicks - and how to set the assignment to apply to all future Group members. Note that objectives must be created as part of the bulk assign process. Previously created objectives cannot be bulk assigned.
This makes it easy to assign objectives to all your people and any new people who join your organisation at a later point. It also ensures consistent wording and content for objectives.
A few things to know about bulk assignment of objectives:
- Objectives are assigned to Users based on Group membership in Learn LMS
- Groups in Learn LMS must be configured to be available for Group assignment in Perform
- Bulk assignments can be a one-off, or can be applied to all future members of the Group
- Perform will auto-assign objectives once every 24 hours
- Auto-assigned objectives will be assigned to new Group members until the objective due date has passed
Steps to bulk assign objectives
The first step is to specify in Learn LMS any Groups that should be available for bulk assignment of objectives. The objective assignment is then made in Perform.
- Browse to the Group area of Learn admin:
- Browse the list of Groups and select the Group that you would like to make available for objective assignment in Perform
- Scroll to the end of the 'Details' page. Select 'Yes' to make this Group visible in Perform:
- Navigate to Perform:
- Select 'Bulk assignments' from the admin menu:
- Select 'New bulk assignment'. You will see a list of Groups in Learn LMS that have been made available for Group assignment in Perform (see steps 1-3)
- Select the Group or Groups to assign an objective. Note that if a user is a member of multiple Groups, they will be assigned the objective multiple times - make sure this is checked before the objective is assigned:
- Select 'Assign objectives'
- Choose to create a new objective or to use an existing objective. Note that the 'Use existing objective' option requires that an objective has previously been created using the bulk assignment process. If this is your first time bulk assigning objectives, you will need to create a new objective from scratch. For this example we'll create a new objective from scratch:
- Populate the details of the objective. This includes a title, description, due date, and option to link to a global objective
- Enter a due date for the objective
- To auto-assign the objective to all new members of the specified Group(s), select the checkbox 'Create auto-assignment rule...'. With this option selected, new Group members will be assigned the objective until the due date is reached. Leave this checkbox blank for one-off assignments
- Select 'Assign objective':
- Select 'Yes, proceed with this assignment' if you're happy satisfied with the assignment details. Note that bulk assignments cannot be cancelled once started and cannot be undone:
Note that it may take a while for the objectives to be processed so please do not attempt the upload again. Check back in a few hours to check it's been successful.
Review objective assignments
To review bulk assigned objectives, navigate to the 'Bulk assignment' area of Perform. There are two tabs - Assignments, and Rules.
All assignments - both one-off and auto-assigned - will be listed here, along with the date and time the assignment was completed:
Whenever an objective is auto-assigned, a rule is created and listed in the 'Rules' section. At any point, a Perform administrator can delete a rule if its no longer required.
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