Sapling allows you to use the People Directory to bulk request or assign things to certain employees, making mass edits a breeze.
This article covers the following topics:
How this works
To access this feature, navigate from Company > People Directory and select the employees you'd like to assign the updates to. (*note: You can also filter the directory to make sorting and selecting easier).
There are 7 action options in the Bulk Edit menu for you to choose from.
Assign Individual Documents, Document Packets or Workflows
- Mass assign an individual Document, Document Packet, or Workflow to any selected employees. For example: have the entire company sign an updated NDA, review a packet of Employee Handbook documents, or assign a transition workflow to a team that's moving to a new office.
Assign a Profile Template
Assign a Profile Template
- When rolling out new profile templates that apply to existing employees, you can quickly update what Profile Fields display in their profile by assigning a template.
Request Profile Information
- Request new or existing profile field information to be updated by selected team members. For example, adding a new profile field for "T-shirt size". (*note: If employees are not allowed to complete the profile fields via permission settings, they will not be able to make any changes.)
Change Manager
- Bulk edit updates to managers. For example, a new manager joins the San Francisco team, selects all the San Francisco team members, and updates who they report to.
Power Edit
(*Note: this is only available to Super Admins - and edits here cannot be undone - so be extra careful with this feature).
- Edit custom job detail fields for employees, either Individually (i.e. the information you edit will be different for each team member you’ve selected) or As a Group (i.e. the information you edit will be the same for all selected team members.) With any Power edits to job information - For example, salary changes during a promotion cycle - the effective date of change must be filled out, and will result in a new row of data in the employee's Job Details table (but will not affect the current line of data). (*Note: leaving some fields empty such as the Manager field will remove the team member's manager)
Send Emails
- Send an email template to existing members. For example, a yearly birthday email or an anniversary email that you can assign to everyone.
- Re-send an invitation to join Sapling. For example, when you're implementing Sapling and want to invite your whole team to the platform.
Delete from Sapling
- Remove all team member's data stored in Sapling for one (or multiple) team members. For example, deleting an accidental duplicate account.
💡Pro tip
Enabling Bulk Actions for Admins in Sapling
Super Admins and Admins can perform bulk actions on the People page. While Super Admins have access to this functionality by default, for Admins, it is only available to those with the appropriate permissions. If an admin does not have edit access, they will not see the checkbox required for bulk actions.
To enable bulk actions for an admin:
- Navigate to Administration Tools > Permissions > Admins.
- Find the specific admin permission level you want to modify and select Actions > Edit permission.
- Under Platform Visibility, locate the People section and update the access to View & Edit.
For more details, check out our help article on Custom Permissions in Sapling.
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