Troubleshooting problems with emails not getting through
There are three possible reasons for this.
1. The candidate may have registered with the wrong email address or may not have registered or submitted at all.
Search for the candidate in both unsubmitted and submitted candidates. If you can't find them, try searching on the partial text of their first name or surname. If you still can't find them, inform the candidate that they must be mistaken and that there is no record of their application, so they can submit a new application.
If you do find the candidate, check that their email address is correct and update if necessary.
2. The messages may be going into the candidate's junk mail folder and may also be automatically deleted from there before the candidate has a chance to see them.
Advise the candidate to check their junk mail and to add the relevant email address to their safe senders list.
We are aware this specific issue does happen with some Hotmail accounts. Hotmail also has a setting which allows people to choose to automatically delete anything in the junk mail folder immediately - i.e. before they get a chance to look at it. If that's the case, suggest the candidate turns this off temporarily to see if emails from our system are going to the junk mail folder.
Changing Hotmail settings:
- Add the email address you use to the safe senders list: Options > Safe and blocked senders
- Turn off automatic deletion of junk mail: Options > Filters and reporting
Changing Yahoo settings:
- Locate the email in the Spam folder and mark it as 'Not Spam'
- Turn off automatic deletion of junk mail: Spam > Empty spam folder - make sure it doesn't say 'Immediately'
Changing Gmail/Googlemail settings:
- In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
- Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist (eg
- Select all the emails shown.
- Click More and then Not spam.
3. Some corporate email systems are set up to only allow emails from specific addresses or emails are being rejected by the server.
If it is relevant and appropriate, e.g. you have an internal application form, you should speak to your IT department and request that they contact us directly regarding "Whitelisting" messages from the Kallidus system.
If the issue relates to candidates outside your organisation, suggest that the candidate changes their email address to their personal one, rather than their corporate one or you can do this for them.
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