Sapling’s calendar provides your team a birds-eye view of all upcoming events related to each team member's experience.
This article covers the following topics:
- What is the Sapling Calendar?
- Who can see the Sapling Calendar?
- Can I sync this calendar with Outlook/Gmail?
- FAQs
What is the Sapling Calendar?
The calendar feature is available directly within the platform, and (when enabled) allows your team to see a "Calendar" tab in Sapling.
To enable the Sapling calendar, chat with your Customer Success Manager. You can also configure additional events to display from Administration Tools > Platform Settings > Calendar > switch on Anniversaries, Birthdays, or both.
Who can see the Sapling Calendar?
How can I customize who sees certain calendars?
If you'd like to hide access to the Sapling calendar for certain team members, you can also remove access to the calendar by adjusting their Permission Levels.
Here are the calendars employees can see based on Sapling's standard permission levels:
Can I sync this calendar with Outlook/Gmail?
Absolutely. For instructions on how to export the Sapling calendar to your Outlook or Gcal calendar, please see our Calendar Feeds help article.
- Can I enable Birthdays' view on Calendar for managers only and not all staff?
- The Calendar is either accessible for a given permission level, or not. As of right now, it is not possible to decide what event types to show and what to not.
- What do "Other" and "Unavailable" mean within the Time Off Calendar?
- When using Sapling's Time Off add-on, any approved time off requests display on the Calendar
- These are color-coded by the Time Off Type with a legend at the bottom of the page
- "Other" is one of multiple Time Off Types you can specify for a time off policy
- "Unavailable" is used for any approved time off requests in policies where "Display details on calendar?" = "No", regardless of Time Off Type
- This can be used for time off policies whose policy name or other details should not be visible broadly to ensure team member privacy protections (e.g. a cancer treatment intermittent leave policy)
- This applies to both the Sapling Calendar display as well as the feeds you can configure for external calendars
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