In this article, we'll show how to add a button to a User-created report, that can be used to jump to a further page in the report. This approach can be used to replicate the 'View' buttons you may be familiar with from the Fixed reports for Learn and Perform:
Steps to add page navigation with a button
For this example, we'll create a button that includes text and an image. Note that the image is optional, buttons can also be text only.
- Start a new User-created report or open an existing report
- Open the Button menu:
- Select the Blank button type. A new button will appear in the top left of the canvas. Move to the preferred position on the canvas
- In the Format Button panel, select to expand the Style menu (the Button must be selected for this menu to appear):
- Toggle the Text option to 'On' and enter the required text:
- Set the Icon option to 'On'
- Select Icon type Custom:
- Select Browse and upload the image you would like to use. Pro tip: For this example, we grabbed an 'eye' image from the icon options in MS365
- Set the Image fit as Normal:
- Set Icon Placement as Left of Text.
- Toggle the Border option to 'Off':
- Toggle the Shadow option to 'Off'
- Open the Action menu
- Select Type Page navigation:
- If required, set a Tooltip
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re completely new to reporting and analytics, then Get started: Reporting and analytics with Power BI is the place to start. We'll start by introducing Power BI’s top five features, then, we’ll take a deep dive into each feature, with links to related learning and tips from the Kallidus team along the way.
If you're starting to explore user-created reports, take a look at Power BI Reporting: Deep dive previews. In this short course, you'll get a quick preview of each 'deep dive' scenario. If a scenario sparks your interest, follow the links in the Lesson description to view the full course.
Do you have a question about reporting? Come to our 'Ask me Anything' events in the Academy to ask questions and share feedback directly with the team.
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