In this video, we'll walk through how anonymised screening looks to managers and recruiters.
What is anonymised screening?
With this option, identifiable information will be automatically redacted from CV documents uploaded by candidates, while allowing managers to screen based on other information on the CV. This helps to reduce the impact of unconscious bias during CV screening, while retaining the convenience of having the candidate CV to review.
Watch the below video for a walk through of the process.
What information gets redacted?
With this feature activated, Hiring Managers are presented with a version of the application which redacts or removes the following information: Name, Date of birth, Nationality, Marital status, Gender
In addition, there are also options around redacting education and/or employment dates.
During Hiring Manager screening, candidate information will be anonymised/redacted until a candidate is progressed to interview, at which point all information becomes available:
A recruiter will typically expect to see all candidate information. When the CV is subsequently made available for Manager screening, personal information can be redacted.
Want to implement Anonymised screening in your Recruit?
When anonymised screening is implemented in your Recruit, we will discuss which data should be redacted in your system. If you would like to discuss implementing anonymised screening in your Recruit, please contact your Customer Experience Manager.
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