If you want to schedule a report to the Kallidus hosted SFTP server then use this fingerprint value:
If you want to schedule reports to your own company hosted SFTP server but you don't know what your SHA-1 fingerprint is then you can find it out by following these steps.
Please note that we only support SFTP to servers that support the SHA-1 algorithm. We do not support SHA-2 algorithms so for, example, you cannot SFTP to Azure blob storage.
- Download and install the Core FTP client software. You can find it here
- Run the Core FTP software
- Enter your SFTP server details into the 'Site Manager' window as shown below replacing sftp.kallidus-suite.com with your own SFTP server details and username and password. Also ensure the port number is 22 and the connection is SSH/SFTP.
- Click 'Connect'
- You will now get a window appear that will tell you your SHA-1 fingerpint.
- Make a note of it and this is what you use as the fingerprint whenever you schedule a report to your SFTP server.
You can now remove the Core FTP software from your machine if you don't need an FTP client.
Please note that not all SFTP clients will use the SHA-1 key that reporting uses but Core FTP is one that is known to do so.
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