In this article, we'll show how to add and remove administrator permissions for Perform. Please note that this is possible only if your system is updated to use the new IDS identity provider. View this article to see if your site is using IDS.
When given access as a Perform administrator, a User will have access to potentially sensitive personal information about your people. They will also have access to all aspects of system setup, including the ability to create and manage global objectives, access reporting, and create and manage review templates.
Steps to add and remove administrator permission
- Browse to Manage Users:
- Search for the User
- Select Actions:
- Select Edit
- Scroll to the 'Roles' section
Toggle the 'Perform admin' setting on/off as required:
Get deeper learning in The Academy
If you’re new to Perform, view Perform walkthrough and see how Perform looks to learners, managers, and administrators.
For the complete picture - including best practice advice, and hints and tips from the Kallidus team - view the Get started: Perform Course.
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